Dr. Parley L. Belnap: A Selection of Papers and Music

- Concepts and Techniques for Effective Practice
- Emergency Preparedness for Pianists Who Have Had No Organ Training
- A List of Some of Parley’s Favorite Compositions
- Hymn Playing in the Sustained Style
- An Interview with Parley Belnap by James Welch
- Warm-up and Cool-down Exercises for Playing an Instrument
- What I Have Learned about Effective Teaching
“Come, Come, Ye Saints”
Composed to play in Salt Lake Tabernacle Organ recitals
Composed to play in Salt Lake Tabernacle Organ recitals
“Be Still, My Soul”
Arranged for a young student to play as a solo in church who could not reach the organ pedals
Two Children’s Hymns (“Keep the Commandments” and “Love One Another”)
Arranged for a beginning student to play as solo in church
A Collection of Hymns Simplified for the Organ (for student use)
- Praise to the Man
- The Star-Spangled Banner
- Called to Serve (verse)
- Come, Rejoice (4-part hymn style)
- Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words (verse)
- Angels We Have Heard on High (trio style)
- Silent Night (trio style)
- Joy to the World (trio style)
- Away in a Manger (pedal on 3rd staff)
- Christ the Lord Is Risen Today (modulation from C to D)
- Love at Home
These items were compiled and donated by Bona Belnap, Parley’s wife, and Claudia Johnson, a former student of Parley’s.