Membership Overview
The American Guild of Organists is comprised of more than 300 chapters located across the United States and abroad. Chapter membership allows you to get to know and work with other organists in the Utah and Salt Lake Valleys. Individuals interested in the organ and choral music fields are invited to join the American Guild of Organists. Membership is open to everyone, regardless of denominational affiliation or musical ability. Our chapter holds regular meetings featuring performances, lectures, seminars, and discussions on a wide variety of topics. Membership in the local AGO chapter also brings the following benefits:
- Annual subscription to The American Organist (TAO) magazine
- Chapter newsletters with news of local events and personal updates
- Chapter directories
- Local recitals and other events
- Voting privileges in local and national officer elections
Online: Renew Your Membership
Mail In: Print the Utah Valley Chapter Membership/Renewal Form