2024-2025 Dean Marcine Sawyer

September 13:  Opening Social, catered dinner and installation of officers.  Presentations from AGO National Convention:  Connor Larsen, “Seeing isn’t Always Believing: Verne’s Score Errors”, Renee Chiu Gastelum, “From Bamboo to Bourdon:  Stories from China,” Don Cook, “The New Pipe Organ Stop Library.”  Provo Central Stake Center,1220 W 500 N, Provo, UT.  

October:  BYU Concert Organ Inaugural Events

  • Friday, October 25, 7:30 pm, BYU Concert Hall Organ Dedicatory Recital by Daniel Cook, 
  • Saturday, October 26, 7:30 pm, BYU Concert Hall, Faculty Recital by Don Cook and Neil Harmon
  • Sunday, October 27, 6:30 pm, BYU Concert Hall, Community Hymn Sing

November 22:  Hymn Sing.  Sang the new Latter-Day Saint Hymns, accompanied by UVAGO members:  Mike Carson, Landon Finch, Jennifer and Natalie Morgan, Blaine Olson, Becky Azera, Lynette Golze, Conner Larsen, Harold Stuart, Lori Serr, Marcine Sawyer,  Rebecca Brand, Samuel Call, Laura Pettersson, DeeAnn, Callan, and Julie Stone.  7:00 p.m. Spanish Fork Stake Center 575 W 400 N.

December 24:  Christmas Eve Candlelight Recital.  8:00 p.m.  Provo Central Stake Center 1220 W 450N.  Neil Harmon, organist. 

January 11, 2025:  Open Console at the Letourneau Organ at the BYU Concert Hall, 9-11 am.  Performers



2023-2024 Dean Harold Stuart

September 22:  Opening Social – Presentation by Jim Welch and his wife Deann’s service  at the BYU Jerusalem Center, 7:30 p.m., Oak Hills 5th Ward, Hillside  Chapel, 1960 N 1500 E, Provo.

October 13: Chapter Informal – Cancelled in lieu of the Tabernacle Organ Virtuoso Performance Series featuring Tabernacle Organist, Brian Mattias.

November 10: Thanksgiving Hymn Sing – featuring hymns of gratitude with Narrator Lorrie Winter.  7:30 p.m., Chapel at 250 W 600 S, Lindon.
Lorrie Winter’s Narration Notes

December 24:  Candle Light Christmas Eve Recital – featuring organist Neil Harmon.  8:00 p.m., Provo Utah Central Stake Center, 1220 W 500 N, Provo. Program

January 15:  Open Console – Chapter members and individuals were invited to prepare a piece (4 minutes or less) to play on the Bigelow (Opus 36) at St. Ambrose Catholic Church, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m., 2315 E. Redondo Avenue, Salt Lake City.

February 3:  Pedals, Pipes & Pizza – Introducing the organ to youth, 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., Provo Central Stake Center, 1220 W 500 N, Provo.

March 10:  Women Composer Sunday (observed) – Members are encouraged to include music by women composers in their services and other performances on that day.

March 15:  Bach and Baroque Recital – Members were invited to prepare a Bach or a Baroque piece in honor of Bach’s birthday, 7:00 p.m., Provo Utah Central Stake, 1220 W 500 N, Provo.

April 20:  Mini Super Saturday Organ Workshop, Optimizing the Organ for Worship.  Hymn Sing with Clay Christiansen.  710 S 800 E, Orem, UT

May 11:  Closing Social and Potluck.  BYU students shared their experiences playing historic organs in France and England. 1035 S. 800 E., Orem, UT

2022 – 2023 Dean Harold Stuart

October 14: UVAGO Chapter Informal Recital held at the Orem Utah Sharon Stake, Wicks, Opus: 4924 1969, rebuilt 2013, 2 manuals/17 ranks

November 18: Celebrating Cesar Franck, presented by Sheri Peterson at the Multi-Stake Building, 350 N. 900 E., Provo, UT

December 24: Neil Harmon Christmas Eve Recital, Provo Central Stake Center, 450 North 1220 West, Provo, UT

January 16:  UVAGO Tabernacle Organ Crawl, Salt Lake Tabernacle, Temple Square, Salt Lake City, UT

February 25: Pedals, Pipes, and Pizza, Provo Central Stake Center, 450 North 1220 West, Provo, UT

March 17: Bach & Baroque Birthday Recital, Provo Central Stake Center, 450 North 1220 West, Provo, UT

April 29: UVAGO Super Saturday, BYU Music Building, Provo, UT

May 11: UVAGO Informal Recital – Closing Social, Oak Hills Stake Center, 925 E. North Temple Drive, Provo, UT


2021 – 2022 Dean Miranda Wilcox

September 18:  Kick off the AGO Year of the Young Organist.  Focused on resources for professional and  personal development of organists under the age of 30.  Presentations by Neil Harmon, Glen Hicks, and Heidi Rodeback.  Multi-Stake Building, 350 N 900 E, Provo.

October:  Pedals, Pipes and Pizza cancelled due to surge in COVID.  Replaced with online resources for mentors of youth organists, including OrganFirst!  Curriculum developed by Nora Hess to teach elementary-aged children how to play the organ.  And Glen Hicks’ Performance, Mike Carson’s narration and Harold Stuarts filming of the delightful musical tour of Rex: King of the Instruments.  Posted on the UVAGO YouTube channel.

November 18:  Christmas Informal.  Members shared favorite Christmas organ pieces played on the newly refurbished Wicks organ.  Meetinghouse at 3050 North Mojave Lane.

December 3:  50th Anniversary of the Spanish Fork Stake Center Organ, recital and hymn sing.  1006 E 200 S, Spanish Fork.

January 17:  Play the Tabernacle organ.  Chapter members and young organists toured the pipes and played a short piece on the Tabernacle organ, preceded by the noon recital performed by Neil Harmon.

February:  German Baroque Organs presentation postponed.

March 18:  Bach and Baroque Recital.  Members played on the Bigelow Opus 16.  Provo Central Stake Center, 450 N 1220 W, Provo

Apri 11:  Super Saturday Workshop postponed.  BYU German Organ Tour Preview, held in the BYU Madsen Recital Hall of the Harris Fine Arts Center.

May 20:  The “Lighter” Side of the Organ postponed.  The Spring Informal, hosted by Jack Stoneman, was held at the Spanish Fork Stake Center on the expanded Wicks OP 5193. 1006 E 200 S.


2020-2021:  Dean Miranda Wilcox

September 18:  Challenge – The organ console.  How well do you know your organ?  Zoom roundtable discussion hosted by Jack Stoneman.

October 9:  Challenge – Organ Registration.  Get to know the stops on your organ.  Zoom roundtable discussion hosted by Jennifer Morgan

November 15:  Challenge – The Baroque Choral Prelude.  YouTube video presentation by Neil Harmon

December 10:  Challenge – Christmas Informal, Facebook watch party.  Members recorded and uploaded their favorite Christmas selections to the Chapter YouTube channel.

January 14:  Challenge – Creating Preludes from a Hymnal.  Zoom roundtable discussion hosted by Mike Carson.

February 26:  Challenge – Embellishing Hymns.  Zoom roundtable discussion hosted by Heidi Rodeback, Mike Carson, and Jack Stoneman.

March 31:  Challenge – Bach and Baroque Recital.  Members recorded and uploaded their selections to be watched on the Chapter YouTube channel on Bach’s birthday (March 31st).

April 24:  Virtual Mini Super Saturday.  Keynote speaker:  Seth Bott, “Bearing Testimony Through Hymn Playing” with presenters Jay Goodliffe, “Five Organ Practice Tips”, Bradley Dickerson, “Online Resources for Organists”, and a question and answer After Party.

May:  Challenge Culmination – Member Recital/Informal.  Members played pieces they have been working on for the various organ challenges.  Hosted by Jack Stoneman in-person at his chapel.


2019-2020:  Dean Lori Serr

November 22:  Opening Social, 40th Anniversary Gala.  Performances by Utah Valley Composers Neil Harmon, David Chamberlin, James Kasen, and Weldon Whipple

December 7:  Christmas Informal hosted by Blaine Olsen at the Sunset Stake Center.  Members played their favorite Christmas selections on the Johannus Organ.

January 11:  Alpine Tabernacle Organ Crawl hosted by Tyler Anderson of Anderson Organ Works.  Members got to see the inside of and have bench time on this newly renovated Austin pipe organ Opus 1130.

February 8:  Pedals, Pipes and Pizza (for youth) held at the home of Sarah Reed and Ruth Eldredge Thomas.  Youth (and parents) got to see the inside workings of a pipe organ, ask questions, and play the organ, followed by pizza.

March 20:  Bach Recital in recognition of J. S. Bach’s birthday.  Due to the Coronavirus (Covid 19) pandemic, the recital was held virtually, rather than at the Provo Central Stake as previously scheduled.  Recitalists recorded their selections on the Provo Central Stake Bigelow Opus 16 Tracker Organ or on an organ of choice.  Recordings were posted on the chapter website.

April 25:  Hymn Playing Workshop postponed until the Fall.

May 8:  Member Recital and Potluck postponed until the Fall.


2018 – 2019:  Dean Lori Serr

September:  No meeting

October 19:  Opening Social – Installation of new officers, dinner, and program.  LDS meetinghouse at 2445 North 650 East in Provo.

November 10:  Parley Belnap Tribute Recital, American Fork East Stake Center, 825 East 500 North, 6:00 p.m.

December 7:  Christmas Informal, Provo Sunset Stake Center, 1560 South 1100 West, Provo, 7:00 pm

January 19:  Member Recital, Stake Center of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1006 East 200 South, Spanish Fork, 2:00 p.m.

February 9:  Pedals, Pipes, and Pizza!  883 North 1200 East in Provo, 10:00 a.m.

February 16:  “Performing the Organ Works of Felix Mendelssohn” by Dr. Neil Harmon, BYU, Joseph F. Smith Building,10:00 a.m.

March 22:  Bach’s Birthday Recital in Honor of Carol Dean, Provo Central Stake Center, 7:00 p.m.

April 27:  Super Saturday for Church Organists


2017-2018:  Dean Quinten Knudsen

September 22: Opening Social, Edison Street Events (Organ Loft), Salt Lake City

October 7: Pedals, Pipes, and Pizza, Provo Central Stake Center

October 28: AGO Certification Class with Dr. Andrew Unsworth, Harris Fine Arts Center, BYU

November 3: Member Recital, Pleasant Grove East Stake Center

January:  No meeting

February 16:  “Your organ story night” at Lori Seer’s home

March 23: Bach Recital, Provo Central Stake Center, 7:00pm

April 28: Super Saturday (canceled due to BYU French organ tour)

May:  No meeting

2016-2017:  Dean Quinten Knudsen

September 16:  Opening Social. Meetinghouse at 2557 Dalton Drive, Springville. Potluck dinner.

September 24: Pedals, Pipes & Pizza. Provo Central Stake Center

October 14: Holiday Repertoire Workshop. Pleasant Grove East Stake Center

November 11: Holiday Member Recital. Pleasant Grove East Stake Center

January 21: Organ Crawl, Cathedral of the Madeleine

February 25: Youth Scholarship Recital. Canceled

March 17: Bach Recital. Provo Central Stake Center

April 29: Super Saturday, Harris Fine Arts Center, BYU

May 19: Closing Social. Potluck dinner and presentation by Joan Stevens about her studies with Flor Peeters.

2015-2016: Dean Sheri Peterson

September 12: Opening Social, Provo Stake Center

October 24:  Pedals, Pipes, and Pizza & kick off of the UVAGO “Young Organists Scholarship/Audition,” Sharon Stake Center, Orem

November 6: Liturgy Class with Fr. Peter Van Hook, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church

December 13:  Christmas Hymn Sing & Fireside, Spanish Fork Stake Center

January 9:  Organ Crawl at First United Methodist Church, Salt Lake City

February 20:  UVAGO Young Organists Scholarship Audition and performance, Sharon Stake Center, Orem

March 18:  Bach Recital, Provo Central Stake Center

April 23:  Super Saturday, Harris Fine Arts Center, BYU

June 3:  Closing Social – Franck & Franks: Potluck dinner with bratwurst held at Paul Duncombe’s home in Pleasant Grove. Excerpts were shown from the DVD “Franck: Father of the Organ Symphony.”

2014-2015:  Dean Sheri Peterson

 September 6:  SLCAGO Super Saturday, University of Utah, Libby Gardner Hall

September 20:  Opening Social, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church and Provo Community United Church of Christ

October 17:  Dr. Douglas E. Bush Memorial Recital, Oak Hills Stake Center, Provo

November:  Liturgy Class presented by Ruth Eldredge, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church

November:  Organs in Switzerland and France, Walter Whipple & Sandra Mangum

January 10:  Provo Stake Center Wicks organ refurbishment tour with Jim Kasen

January 17:  Pedals, Pipes, and Pizza; Provo Central Stake Center

February:  Workshop for Choir Directors and Organists, Orem YSA Stake Center

March 20:  Chapter Bach Recital, Provo Central Stake Center

April 25:  Super Saturday, Harris Fine Arts Center, BYU

May:  Choir Fest

2013-2014:  Dean Sheri Peterson

 September 14:  Super Saturday Follow-up Training Workshop, American Fork Stake Center

September 27:  Demarest Recital: Lella Pomeroy and Glen Hicks, Meetinghouse at 2557 Dalton Drive, Springville

October 21:  Master class with Jeremy Filsell, Madsen Recital Hall, BYU

November 16:  Pedals, Pipes, and Pizza; Provo Central Stake Center

January 11:  Organ Tour in Salt Lake City

February 22: Hymn-Sing Workshop, Sharon Stake Center, Orem

March 21:  Chapter Bach Recital, Provo Central Stake Center

April 26:  Super Saturday, Harris Fine Arts Center, BYU

May 16:  Chapter Hymn Sing, Sharon Stake Center, Orem


2012-2013:  Dean Sheri Peterson

 September 7:  Opening Social: Multi-Stake Center, 300 North 900 East, Provo

October 19:  Louis Vierne 75th Anniversary Master Class with Clay Christiansen, Joseph Smith Memorial Building Chapel, Salt Lake City

November 17:  Pedals, Pipes, and Pizza: Provo Central Stake Center

December:  No meeting

January 5:  Tabernacle Organ Crawl, Tabernacle on Temple Square, Salt Lake City

February 22:  David Chamberlin and Lella Pomeroy: Hymn Sing at the Stake Center at 450 South 100 West, Orem

March 22:  Bach’s Birthday Recital, Provo Central Stake Center

April 27 :  Super Saturday, BYU

May 17 :  Closing Social & Member Recital

2011-2012:  Dean Florence Hawkinson

 September 17:  Chapter Opening Event, “Pedals, Pipes & Pizza,” Saturday, Provo Central Stake Center.

October 7:  The 21st Century Member Recital and Don Cook Recognition, Spanish Fork

November 8: 20th Century Utah Organists – An Evening with Rulon Christiansen, Orem Stake Center

December: no meeting

January 21: “The Organ: Acoustics & Architecture”/St. Mark’s Tour, St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral, SLC

February 9: “What Makes Romantic Music Romantic?”  Joan Stevens previewed her SLCAGO lecture-recital at her home, Provo

March 23: Utah Valley AGO Bach Member Potluck/Recital, Provo Central Stake Center

April 21:  Super Saturday: Training for the Church Organist, Harris Fine Arts Center, BYU.  Keynote speaker: Clay Christiansen

May:  no meeting

June 2: Closing Aocial – Farewell, Food, and Fun Fest, American Fork


2010-2011:  Dean Florence Hawkinson

 September 5: Tribute Recital for Claire Rogers, Utah State Hospital Chapel, East Center St., Provo. (Claire passed away September 11, 2010.)

October 8:   “The Christmas Accompanist,” presented by Felipe Dominguez, 710 E. 800 S., Orem

November 3: Carillon Tour (tour and introductory hands-on with the BYU Carillon), presented by Dr. Don Cook, BYU Bell Tower

December:  Service: “Serve Where You Are.” No formal chapter activity

January 19:  Pedagogy: “Organ Training Corp.s” Carol Dean will share her ideas for teaching organ in groups. Chapel at 400 N. 700 W., Provo

February 4:  Education: “Historical Registration.” February Chapter Meeting – Workshop on historical registration presented by Douglas Bush (Dr. Bush approached registration by giving a practical solutions on registering historic organ works on instruments typically found in LDS chapels), chapel at 1038 N. 1200 E., Provo.

March 25: “Chapter Members All-Bach Recital,” Provo Central Stake Center

April 23:  Service/Training: “Super Saturday,” Harris Fine Arts Center, BYU.  Keynote speaker was Janice Kapp Perry.

May 14:  Education: “Conference Center Organ Crawl”

2009-2010: Dean Mike Carson

 September 18: The late Dr. A. Laurence Lyon, noted LDS composer and teacher, was honored at a musical tribute in Provo at the Oak Hills LDS Stake Center. The program featured music for organ, piano, strings, and voice, performed by the composer’s friends, colleagues, and family members, including an appearance by the Utah Valley University Chamber Choir, directed by Dyanne Riley.

October 30: The chapter celebrated its 30th anniversary with a dinner party and program in Provo at the Edgemont South Stake Center. Founding members and former deans were recognized. Joan Stevens, dean from 1984-1986, addressed the group, and Seth Bott, Region IX winner of the 2009 AGO/Quimby Competition for Young Organists and student of Dr. Don Cook, performed a 30-minute concert.

November 13: Dr. Kenneth Udy, University Organist at the University of Utah, performed hymn-based organ literature at the Grove Creek Stake Center in Pleasant Grove.

January 22: Felipe Dominguez, chapter BYU student representative, gave a lecture on “Musical Implications of Early Fingering Techniques” at the BYU Harris Fine Arts Center.

February 21: David Chamberlin presented a “Festival of Hymns” in the Grove Creek Stake Center in Pleasant Grove. The program featured David playing some of his delightful hymn voluntaries and other pieces, as well as some exhilarating congregational singing.

March 21: Claire Rogers organized the annual Bach member recital at the Utah State Hospital chapel to honor “Papa Bach” on the 325th anniversary of his birth. The performers were: Carol Dean, Tanner Bowman, Jean Funk, Sheri Peterson, Mike Carson, Nora Hess, Gayle Farnsworth, Judy Wright, Florence Hawkinson, Miranda Wilcox, Ruth Ann Hay, Lori Serr, Ruth Eldredge, and Felipe Dominguez.

April 24: The chapter sponsored its annual Super Saturday at the BYU Harris Fine Arts Center with 175 eager attendees. There were many teens in the organ essentials classes. W. Herbert Klopfer from the LDS General Church Music Committee gave the keynote address and taught three classes.

May 21: A closing social/potluck/informal was held at the LDS chapel at 1929 West 1500 North in Lehi, attended by 22 people.  The informal member recital was held on a recently installed Johannus organ.


2008-2009:  Dean Mike Carson

 September 11: Opening Gala at The Chillon in Spanish Fork. A catered buffet dinner was served, followed by the installation of the 2008-2010 incoming officers by Dr. Linda Margetts, Tabernacle Organist and AGO Regional Counselor of Professional Development. A special Lifetime Service Award and plaque were given to Dr. Parley Belnap, charter member of UVAGO and Professor Emeritus, BYU, in recognition of his dedicated service and distinguished accomplishments in organ education. Dr. John Longhurst, former Tabernacle Organist, was the guest speaker. Special music was provided by chapter member Lella Pomeroy.

October 22: “Organ Spectacular” at the Salt Lake Tabernacle by Thomas Dahl, organist and director of music at St. Peter’s Church in Hamburg, Germany. This recital was presented by the BYU School of Music in commemoration of the AGO’s International Year of the Organ.

November 21:  Dr. Douglas E. Bush lecture “Hugo Distler: A 20th-Century Voice from the Past” at Provo Central Stake Center, celebrating Distler’s 100th birthday. Brian Mathias masterfully played Distler’s Partita “Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland” op. 8/1.

January 2:  “Ninth Day of Christmas” potluck dinner, caroling, and a discussion led by David Chamberlin on the liturgical elements of the season. Held at Nancy Christensen’s home in Santaquin.

February 22:  Hymn-sing by David Chamberlin in the Alpine Tabernacle in American Fork. CANCELED due to electrical problems with the organ. Was rescheduled for April 26.

March 20:  All-Bach member recital in commemoration of J.S. Bach’s birth, organized by Claire Rogers in the Provo Central Stake Center. Chapter members who played were Claire Rogers, Susan Jorgensen, Nora Hess, Nathan Hess (11 years old!), Mike Carson, Carol Dean, and Lori Serr.

April 25: “Super Saturday: Training for the Church Organist,” held at Harris Fine Arts Center at BYU. Over 175 church musicians attended. Dr. Don Cook, organ area coordinator in the BYU School of Music, was the keynote speaker. Workshops were held through mid-afternoon. Event was chaired by Lori Serr, chapter board member over Professional Development.

April 26:  Hymn-sing with David Chamberlin at the Alpine Tabernacle in American Fork, featuring festive hymn singing and original organ solos by the organist. A 20-minute recital of Bach, Mendelssohn, and Chamberlin preceded the program.

May 15:  Chapter “Informal” at the Salt Lake Tabernacle. Chapter members played the Tabernacle organ in an informal setting. Organized by Ruth Ann Hay, chapter board member.

June 23:  Ruth Eldredge, an honors music graduate at Brigham Young University in 2007 and a recent Masters of Musicology graduate from Oxford University (England), lectured on the topic, “Bach’s Two-part Inventions: What Can We Learn from Learning the Inventions?” at the State Hospital Chapel in Provo.

July 10:  The chapter hosted an informal gathering at the home of member Claudia Johnson in Cedar Hills to meet Region IX councillor Frances (Frankie) Nobert, who was in Utah to attend a Bonneville District leadership meeting the following day. Dr. Nobert played several selections on the Rodgers organ for the 20 people in attendance, and the group enjoyed socializing and refreshments afterward

2007-2008:  Dean Nancy Christensen

 September 19:  Ruth Eldredge gave a power point presentation about her summer spent studying at Cambridge, England and her upcoming graduate studies at Oxford.

October 23:  Chapter recital celebrating the 300th anniversary of the birth of Dietrich Buxtehude. Doug Bush and Don Cook also gave presentations.

November 15:  Don Cook demonstrated the new Rodgers organ in the Marriott Center

December 16:  Christmas recital [canceled]

January 27:  Hymn Sing with David Chamberlin

February 28:  Lella Pomeroy presentation on French Romantic organ music [canceled]

March 22:  Annual Bach chapter recital

April 26:  Super Saturday organ workshop for church organists

May 20:  An evening with noted composer Frank Ashdown. He shared his life story as a composer then he, Don Cook, David Chamberlin, and Jim Drake played some of his music.

2006-2007:  Dean Nancy Christensen

 August 27:  Joint meeting with the Salt Lake Chapter at First Presbyterian Church

September 11:  Opening social—Music Fair.  Members perused and listened to new music.

October 3:  Chapter recital celebrating the 300th anniversary of the birth of Johann Pachelbel

November 9 :  James Drake on the Alexander Method of performance relaxation

December 1:  Christmas party at Jeanine Lepinsky’s home. Potluck supper. Played and sang Christmas music.

January 9:  Pedagogy evening. Presentations by Parley Belnap, Don Cook, Lori Serr, Carol Dean, and Amy Johnson.

February 7:  Ruth Eldredge gave a power-point presentation on her study abroad in Portugal, and David Chamberlin gave a slide presentation of his recent trip and performances in Germany.

March 16:  Annual Bach chapter recital

April 28:  Super Saturday organ workshop for church organists

May 20:  Picnic at the Bigelow organ factory followed by a quiz on hymn trivia from the LDS hymnal.

2005-2006:  Dean David Chamberlin

 September 29:  Opening social. “Music to Make You Laugh and Smile,” held in Dr. Douglas Bush’s office at BYU

October 16 “Come, Let Us Sing to the Lord” David Chamberlin, at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in Salt Lake City

November 4: Member Romantic Recital at Lella Pomeroy’s LDS Chapel in Springville

December 18:  Community Christmas Choir; Douglas Bush, director, and Larry Tomkinson, organist

January 3:  Sharing of Hymn Voluntaries by David Chamberlin at LDS Chapel 481 E. Center Street in Orem

February 12:  “Tour of Hymns,” Thomas Hinckley at LDS Ward in Santaquin

March 18: Member Bach Recital, Provo Central Stake Center

April 8: “Super Saturday” organ workshop at BYU

May 6: Closing Social: Member Recital / Picnic at the Utah State Hospital Chapel

2004-2005: Dean David Chamberlin

 September:  Opening AGO Meeting/Social

October: Observation of Suzuki Organ Teacher teaching young students using pedal extensions in Salt Lke City – combined meeting with Salt Lake Chapter

November:  Daniel Gawthrop’s Organ Concerto featuring Rick Elliott and BYU-Idaho Symphony Orchestra, Salt Lake Tabernacle

December:  Community Christmas Choir led by Douglas Bush

January:  Member recital: Evening of Performing Romantic Organ Music

February:  Hymn-Sing by Douglas Bush

March:  Evening of Performing Bach’s Organ Works

April:  Super Saturday Organ Workshop at BYU

May:  Closing Member Recital/Potluck at Glenn and Mary Potter’s home in Park City (3-manual Rodgers)

2003 – 2004:  Dean Cindy Wells

September:  Organs at Richard Adams’ home

October:  meeting rescheduled

November:  Music for Christmas, organ arrangements

December:  Baroque Ensemble, etc.

January:  Conducting Skills Workshop

February:  Provo Tabernacle Organ Crawl

March:  Super Saturday

April:  Member Recital

May:  Closing social at Gayle Farnsworth’s cabin


2002 – 2003: Dean Cindy Wells

 September:  Opening Social: Carillon Concert – Neil Thornock

October:  Conference Center Organ Crawl

November:  Hymn Playing Survival Skills Workshop

December:  Carol-Sing at the State Hospital Chapel in Provo

January:  “Moral Measure of Music” by Thomas K. Hinckley

February:  Theater organ at Mike Ohman’s home

March:  Super Saturday Workshop

April:  Easter Concert: Lella Pomeroy

May:  Member Recital


2001 – 2002: Dean Parley Belnap

 September:  “Hymn Playing Survival Skills for the Beginner to Advanced Organist”

October:  Organ crawl: Lively-Fulcher organ revisited

November:  Ken Udy lecture on Alexander Schreiner at the Alpine Tabernacle in American Fork

December:  Mapleton Chorale Christmas Concert at the Provo Tabernacle

January:  “Alexander Technique” by Dr. James Drake

February:  canceled

March:  Dr. Don Cook organ recital

April:  Super Saturday organ workshop

May:  Tour of Bigelow Organ Factory and member recital at the Alpine Tabernacle

2000 – 2001: Dean Parley Belnap

 September:  Potluck dinner/organ tour at Bigelow Organ Factory

October:  Pipes Spectacular at Provo Tabernacle

November:  Organ crawl at the U of U Lively-Fulcher Organ

December 20:  Mapleton Chorale Christmas Concert in Springville

January:  “The Organist as Accompanist” workshop at the Oak Hills Stake Center

February:  Hymn-Sing in the BYU deJong Concert Hall

March:  Malva Freymuth workshop on “Mental Practice and Imagery for Musicians” at BYU

April:  Pedals, Pipes, and Pizza with silent movie at BYU

May:  Pipes ‘n’ Potluck: member recital at Heritage Music

1999 – 2000: Dean LuJean Moss

 September:  BYU Organ Students report on their summer trip to Germany

October:  Preludes, Postlude, and Hymns Workshop at the Sunset Stake Center.

November:  Dr. Parley Belnap’s report on his experiences at the Jerusalem Center. Held at LuJean Moss’s home

December:  Tour of the Cathedral of the Madeleine.  Also, master class/recital by Kimberly Marshall

January:  “A Festival of Hymns,” a hymn-sing in the Madsen Recital Hall, BYU

March:  AGO/BYU Student Award Recital

April:  Hymn-Playing Workshop at Heritage Music


1998 – 1999: Dean LuJean Moss

September:  Opening Social at LuJean Moss’s home

October:  Hymn-Playing Workshop for Youth at the Provo Community Church

November:  Workshop on Understanding Organ Registration and Adapting Piano Choir Music to Organ. Held at Heritage Music.

December:  Provo City Library presentation (canceled)

January:  Second American Classic Organ Symposium on Temple Square in Salt Lake City

February:  An Evening of Hymn Singing at the Provo Central Stake Center

March:  St. John’s Passion: BYU’s Early Music Ensemble, Cathedral of the Madeleine and Provo Tabernacle

April:  Pedals, Pipes, and Pizza at the North Park Stake Center

May:  Open House at Bigelow Organ Factory

1997 – 1998:  Dean Larry Tomkinson

September:  Opening Social at Lion’s Park

October:  Christmas music at Sunset Stake Center

November:  BYU organ student presentation by Kimberly Keller Moody

December:  Christmas get-together at LuJean Moss’s home

January:  BYU performance class

February:  Hymn-Playing/Organ Techniques Mini-Workshop at Heritage Music.

March:  Performance of Bach’s B-Minor Mass by BYU’s Early Music Ensemble

April:  Tribute to Robert P. Manookin at Sunset Stake Center

May:  Field trip to Hal Stoddard’s “Hooper-nacle” in Hooper, Utah


1996 – 1997:  Dean Larry Tomkinson

September: “Festival Organ Exhibit,” picnic, and Carillon Bell concert, BYU

October:  Lecture by Ron Poll: “Festival Organ” event

November:  Ideas for using hymns for preludes and postludes

December: Get together at LuJean Moss’s home

January:  World’s Largest Town Hall Meeting

February:  John Ferguson: master class and hymn-sing

March:  BYU organ students play Bach

April:  James Drake: The Alexander Technique

May:  Closing social, potluck dinner at Lee Clark’s home

1995 – 1996: Dean Lella Pomeroy

September:  Potluck dinner at Robin Cardon’s

October:  Don Cook, “Technology and Tradition: The Computer Age Affects the Organ”

November:  David Day, BYU Librarian: Tour of BYU Library

December:  no meeting

January:  Robert Clark Master Class/Recital, BYU

February:  Ron Poll, organ crawl at Provo Tabernacle

March:  Open house at Bigelow Organ Factory

April:  World’s Largest Organ Recital, AGO Centennial, BYU

May:  Closing Social, potluck dinner at Lee Clark’s home


1994 – 1995:  Dean Lella Pomeroy

September:  Installation dinner for new officers at the Utah County Building

October:  Mike Carson: Overview of new organ music available, State Hospital Chapel

November:  Gerald Dick:  Lecture/demonstration on how to write hymn introductions, interludes, free accompaniments, Community Church

December:  no meeting

January:  Lella Pomeroy: The Organ as an Accompanying Instrument, Springville

February:  Ed Hansen: Master Class, BYU

March:  Doug Bush: Lecture on J.S. Bach and his culture. Member recital. Provo Central Stake Center

April:  Hymn-sing presented by BYU students, Oak Hills Stake Center

May:  Joan Stevens and Parley Belnap: Lecture on Flor Peeters, BYU

1993-1994:  Dean Carol Dean

August:  Opening Social at Robin Cardon’s Chalet

September:  Sandra Soderlund: Lecture on “The Eight Preludes and Fugues,” SLC

October:  American Contemporary Repertoire Session

November:  Joan Stevens: How to accompany Handel’s “Messiah”

December:  Christmas dinner

January:  DeeAnn Brinkeroff: “The Elizabethan Virginalists and Their Figural Technique”

February:  Dan Berghout: Lecture/recital of Jehan Alain

March:  “All Bush Night”: Members played the music of Doug Bush

April:  LuJean Moss and Claire Rogers: “Appropriate Music for Sacrament Meeting”

1992 – 1993:  Dean Carol Dean

August:  Box supper on lawn at BYU. Don Cook, Carillon Concert

September:  German Baroque (excluding J.S. Bach)

October:  Holiday Music

November:  English, Italian, and French Eras

December:  Doug Bush, Lecture on J.S. Bach/dinner

January:  Joan Stevens and J.J. Keeler: Special Occasion Music

February:  Parley Belnap: German Romantic Period

March:  Parley Belnap: French Romantic Period

April:  Don Cook: European Contemporary Composers

1991 – 1992:  Dean Thomas K. Hinckley

September:  Panel Discussion: “Programs for Sacred Musical Training and Performance”

October:  David Warner: “Sacred Style of Singing”

November:  Provo Central Stake Choir rehearsal, discussion with conductor and organist

December:  Don Cook: Organist/Choir Interface

January:  Arthur Henry King: Discussion on “Renaissance of English Music, 1870- WW II”

February:  Mini Workshop on Sacred Music

March:  Report on the “Historical Organ in America Conference”

April/May –  Celebration on the First Two Centuries of Congregational Hymnody: Luther to Bach.


1990 – 1991: Dean Thomas K. Hinckley

August:  Opening Social, Exchange Park

September:  Richard and Liz Elliott: “The Sound of Music” by Rodgers and Hammered Strings: A comparison of hymn playing techniques on the piano and organ.

October:  Richard Elliott and Parley Belnap: “The Vision of Organ Training at BYU”

November:  Parley Belnap and Doug Bush: Lecture on hymn playing

December:  Mike Bigelow and David Chamberlin: “Considerations of Organ Tone as it Pertains to the LDS Tradition”

January:  Open House at Bigelow Organ Factory February – J.J. Keeler: “Appropriate Prelude and Postlude Music for Worship Services”

March:  Thom Hinckley and Doug Bush: “Celebration of Hymns of the Restoration”

April:  John Longhurst: “Discussion of playing choral accompaniments on the organ”

1989 – 1990: Dean Scott Mills

August:  Opening Social: Nunns Park, Provo Canyon

September:  Doug Bush, Lecture on European Organs

October:  J.J. Keeler, Piano Practice for Organists, canceled, held in January

November:  Ecumenical Service

December:  BYU Organ Tour

January:  J.J. Keeler

February:  James Welsh Recital, SLC

March:  Geoff Myers, Late 19th and early 20th century organ composers

April:  Thom Hinckley, “The Pipe Paradigm”

May:  Chapter Recital, Madsen Recital Hall


1988 – 1989:  Dean Scott Mills

August:  Opening Social at Jo Oaks’ cabin

September:  J.J. Keeler: “The Evolution of Organ Pedagogy from the 19th Century to Present”

October:  Bigelow Organ Factory Tour

November:  All-Faith Thanksgiving Service

December:  Carillon Tower Crawl

January:  American Classic Organ Symposium, SLC Tabernacle Organ

February:  Thom Hinckley: “What Makes a Good Hymn?”

March:  Walter Whipple Recital

April:  Chapter Recital: Provo Tabernacle

May:  Robert Cundick and Louis Whitman: Lecture at Assembly Hall, Salt Lake City


1987 – 1988:  Dean Scott Mills

September:  Parley Belnap: Goals of the AGO and BYU Organ Certification Programs

October:  James Drake: “Alexander Technique for Relaxation While Performing”

November:  Doug Bush: Reconstruction of a 17th Century Lutheran Service

December:  Doug Bush: Christmas Music of Scheidt and Buxtehude

January:  Karel Paukert: Master class/recital, Assembly Hall, Salt Lake City

February:  J.J. Keeler: French Traditions in the Organ Music of J.S. Bach

March:  Ralph Woodward: “Appropriate Music for Church Worship”

April:  canceled

May:  Organ Crawl, Salt Lake City