Chapter News

David Chamberlin Featured on Pipedreams: Salt Lake Celebration

David Chamberlin was featured recently with other well-known area organists on a Pipedreams program that aired on the radio the week of August 10, 2015. The program consisted of excerpts from inaugural concerts played on Utah-built Bigelow pipe organs at St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral and St. Ambrose Catholic Church in Salt Lake City. Chamberlin, the […]

St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Provides Performance Venue

St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 50 West 200 North, in Provo is eager for us to continue using their facility for chapter events and musical programs. They would like to encourage our chapter members to use their venue for organ, instrumental, and vocal recitals. If you are interested in playing at St. Mary’s, you can contact […]

Performance Opportunities at Provo Community Church

Our friends at Provo Community Church are eager for us to perform at their facility. They are currently involved in renovating the building and have plans to install a pipe organ in the sanctuary. Fund raising events are in progress, and PCC would love for our members to perform at some of these events. They […]

The Organ Music of Norberto Guinaldo

The music scores and recordings of Argentine-born organist/composer Norberto Guinaldo have been preserved online at Of interest to LDS organists are the meditations and fantasies on LDS hymns, as well as many familiar liturgical hymns and carols. Guinaldo’s music is of the highest caliber. Church organists, recitalists, and congregations will benefit greatly by being […]

In Tribute to Douglas E. Bush

On Friday, October 17, 2014, the UVAGO chapter held an inspiring member recital to honor our friend and colleague, Dr. Douglas E. Bush, who passed away on October 4, 2013.  The recital was held at the Oak Hills Stake Center, 925 E. North Temple Drive, in Provo.  Doug had a significant and lasting influence in […]

Pedals, Pipes, & Pizza!

Pedals, Pipes, & Pizza is a partial-day event designed to give children and youth a brief introduction to the pipe organ and its music. The Utah Valley chapter hosts this event each year.

How will the Guild benefit me?

The Utah Valley Chapter is made up of organists and organ enthusiasts just like you! We extend a cordial invitation to join with us  in promoting the organ, encouraging excellence in the performance of organ and choral music, and participating in a forum for the mutual support, inspiration, and education of our members.

Programs for Everyone

The AGO is dedicated to ensuring another generation of musicians and enthusiasts of organ and choral music. The Guild has programs, both on the local and national levels, that span every age group and level of proficiency.

Don Cook Wins National Election

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Don Cook has won the AGO National election and will serve as the new Councillor for Education, effective July 1, 2014. Don brings a host of educational experience to this position and will represent the AGO well. 

We are here to help

Our chapter is committed to helping all organists—beginners to advanced—by offering workshops, lectures, recitals, and other activities to help improve their organ skills. Anyone who is interested in the organ, even if not an organist, is invited to come learn with us.