Primarily Prelude: Clay Christiansen

Primarily Prelude, “All Things Bright and Beautiful:” Clay Christiansen

Enhanced Introductions: Clay Christiansen

Enhanced Introductions, “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow:” Clay Christiansen

Hymn Sing: Clay Christiansen

Pedal Prompts: Landon Finch

A Solid Foundation: Landon Finch

Prelude and Opening Hymn: Mike Carson

Adapting Piano Accompaniments to the Organ:  Alena Hall

Registration for Choir Accompaniment:  Alena Hall

Choir Packet: Alena Hall

Heightened Harmonies: Encouraging Singing Through Creative Hymn-Playing Techniques – Seth Bott, DMA

Piano Practice at Home: Heidi Alley



Line Upon Line:

A Solid Foundation: How to register, set, and use general pistons in a crescendo pattern for hymn playing. Landon Finch

Pedal Prompts: Learn how to add pedal notes to hymns — even if you’re playing new hymns every week. Landon Finch

Piano Practice at Home: Making the most of practice time by using your piano to practice organ music, limiting practice time needed at church. Heidi Alley

Enhancing Worship:

Primarily Prelude: How to register and adapt Primary songs to the organ. Clay Christiansen

Enhanced Introductions: Finding and creating effective and motivating hymn introductions. Clay Christiansen

Heightened Harmonies: Encouraging singing through creative hymn playing techniques. Seth Bott

All Things Choir:

Accompanying: How to adapt choral accompaniments written for the piano or keyboard to the organ. Alena Hall

Registering: How to register the organ for choir accompaniment – when to use strings, flutes, reeds, and even celestes. Alena Hall

Experiencing: “Voices on” session while the instructor utilizes the above techniques with attendees as the choir. Alena Hall

Hymn Sing (All):

This hymn sing will utilize motivating hymn introductions, descants, alternate harmonizations, and interludes to provide attendees with a renewed vision of how worship can be enhanced through implementing these techniques. A source list will be provided as a handout. Clay Christiansen